
All of my dreams end the same. The Evans School is liberated. You my champions, you return to your homes and to your families. You return home knowing that the Evans Battalion you first assembled will continue battling for nano miracles in perpetuity.

When I awake I am not dreaming. So I contemplate our world and our age and I calculate that Il Dorke’s Evans School dream could indeed happen. We live in wondrous times. An individual can tweet for a quarter battalion and see an army arrive to deliver a monumental social Victory.

  • Style: Biere de Garde
  • Liner notes: In the name of John Evans I declared this tapping pre-emptively won. John Evans lies at the foundations of our collective history. John Evans was there when what is now known as The University of Denver was just a little theological start-up called Denver Seminary. You can label John Evans a pioneer for both Denver and Colorado but if you do understanding just a portion of the man and his accomplishments would require you to peel back several layers of meaning. Yet again, soccer, serendipity and the Evans School deliver an option. Through soccer I come to know a DU history professor. She’s already told me what the deal is. She’s got this. Eyes closed and walking backwards she’s so got this. It’s pre-emptively over and done. She’s so got the John Evans thing; she teaches at the University John Evans helped create AND history is totally her style of academic Kung Fu.
  • Beer tangent: Like say, if Voltron were an office building.